artists bloc workshop in the park


$15/hour minimum wage campaign

Résidence PLAZA – Mémoire migrante, Mémoire Vivante

Participation in the Encuentro festival of Performance and Politics in the Americas (June), with a representative of the artists’ bloc taking part in the week-long festival and conference; an encounter between artists’ bloc members and La Pocha Nostra performance troupe ( from Mexico and California; and performances by artists’ bloc members in collaboration with Pocha and women of Idle No More as part of ‘a pan-Indigenous anti-manifesto’ performance and public intervention given in Square Viger as part of the Encuentro festival and conference,;

Artists’ bloc takes 2-day retreat together in the Laurentians to regroup and vision where the project should go next (September);

September 28 IWC Artists’ Bloc Fall Picnic, workshop & picnic (Park Kent)