Atelier Pochoir
Vendredi 8 décembre, 18h à 20h, @ CTI
Animé par : Rosalind Hampton, Arianna Garcia-Fialdini
Cet atelier présentera les bases pour créer des pochoirs efficaces et réutilisables en lien avec la thématique ‘Une journée sans immigrants-es’.
Le pochoir ou ‘stencil’ est une excellente manière pour qui que ce soit de créer de l’art, et c’est une des formes fondamentales de l’art de la rue. C’est une forme multi-usage qui comprend le dessin, la peinture, la gravure et le design, et qui peut être appliqué à presque toute surface. Les pochoirs peuvent être très simple à faire ou très complexe – le choix reste avec l’artiste!
Cet atelier de pochoir présentera comment couper puis peinturer les pochoirs, utilisant des techniques de découpage et de peinture aérosol. Chaque participant-e créera leur propre pochoir. Des outils de bases pour la création de pochoir ainsi qu’une démonstration guidée sera offerte sur les essentiels de travail de pochoir.
Stencil Workshop
Friday December 8th 6-8pm, CTI headquarters
Facilitators: Rosalind Hampton, Arianna Garcia-Fialdini
This workshop will cover the basics of creating successful and re-usable stencils following the theme of “A day without immigrants”.
Stencilling is a great way for anyone to make artwork, and is one of the fundamental forms of street art. It is a versatile medium which encompasses drawing, painting, printmaking and design, and can be applied to almost any surface. Stencils can be very simple to make or very complex – the choice is up to the artist!
This stencil workshop will cover how to cut and then paint stencils, using cutting and spraying techniques. Each participant will create their own stencil. Basic rules to making stencils will be covered and a guided demonstration will be given on the essentials in stencilling.
Rosalind Hampton is a interdisciplinary educator and activist in Montreal. She completed her PhD in Educational Studies at McGill University in 2016, and currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Urban Education Community at the University of Ottawa. Rosalind also holds degrees in Art History and Art Education and has a professional background in social services, community work, visual arts, and labour organizing.
Arianna Garcia-Fialdini is an artist, activist and art educator living and working in Montreal. Born in Mexico City, she completed two BFA degrees in Studio Art and Art Education. After completing her Masters degree in Ireland, she is currently a PhD Candidate in Art Education at Concordia University. Arianna teaches in visual arts centres and actively concentrates on her own studio practice. She has exhibited in Mexico, Canada, UK, the US and Ireland.